West Virginia Company Formation £773.00 + Vat
- West Virginia LLC
Estimated renewal costs in year two: £749.00
Forming an LLC in West Virginia
The Process
West Virginia LLCs are formed in approximately one week.
Name Identifiers and Abbreviations
The name of the West Virginia LLC must end with one of the following words or abbreviations:
- L.L.C.
- Limited Liability Company
Operating Agreement
An Operating Agreement will help to protect your company’s limited liability status and avoid your company from being run by the default rules created by the state. Although West Virginia does not mandate all LLCs to have an Operating Agreement, it is recommended that you have one.
Additional Filings
Depending on the nature of your business, some additional filings could be necessary to complete the proper set-up of your LLC:
- EIN (tax ID) – available as an optional extra for non-US residents.
- Sales tax registration
- Payroll registration & business licensing